خدمات التاشيرات

فيزابرس هي الشركة الوحيدة المرخصة استشارات هجرة، حيث نقدم خدمات التأشيرات لكندا، أستراليا، أمريكا، والاتحاد  الأوروبي نحن نلتزم بتقديم استشارات مهنية ودقيقة لمساعدتك في تحقيق أهدافك ولدينا كل مايلزمك من ترجمه وتصديق وكاتب عدل وتوثيق وتصوير وتامين وحجز تذاكر في مكان واحد بالتعاون مع الكنديه الاردنيه للاستشارات وسهل عمان للترجمه والشركه العربيه للتامين والعديد من المكاتب السياحيه العالميه

  • تأشيرة سياحية
  • تأشيرة الزيارة
  • تاشيرة رجال أعمال
  • تأشيرة علاجية
  • تأشيرة طالب
  • تأشيرة عمل
  • تأشيرة العبور

اقرأ المزيد عن خدمات التأشيرة

انواع التاشيرات

تأشيرة زيارة إلى أوروبا

تأشيرة زيارة إلى أستراليا

تأشيرة زيارة إلى نيوزيلندا

تأشيرة زيارة إلى كندا

تأشيرة زيارة إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

تأشيرة زيارة إلى أوروبا

من الذي يحتاج إلى استخراج تأشيرة شينجن؟

يُطلب من مواطني الدول غير الأعضاء في شينجن الحصول على تأشيرة شينجن الإلزامية للدخول إلى منطقة شينجن

ما هي الوثائق الأساسية المطلوبة؟

فيما يلي وصف دقيق للأمثلة الموحدة على الوثائق المطلوبة مع المعلومات الإضافية المطلوبة

  1. يجب استكمال استمارة طلب التأشيرة بشكل تام والتوقيع عليها في الفراغات المحددة
  2. يجب ان ترفق صورتين؛ يجب أن تكون الصورة مماثلة لصورة استخراج جواز السفر، مع تصوير الوجه بالكامل على خلفية بيضاء يجب أن تكون الصورة حديثة
  3. يجب أن يكون جواز السفر الذي يحتوي على نسخ من جميع التأشيرات السابقة صالح لمدة 3 أشهر على الأقل قبل أن يطلب منك المغادرة. يجب أن يكون في جواز السفر صفحتين فارغتين على الأقل
  4. تواريخ الحجز ذهابًا وإيابًا أو خط سير الرحلة بالتواريخ وأرقام الرحلات التي تحدد تاريخ الدخول والخروج من منطقة شينجن. يمكنك استخدام خدمات استشارات التأشيرات في هذه التأشيرة . يمكن للشخص المسؤول عن خدمات استشارات التأشيرات التعامل مع معظم متطلبات التأشيرات الخاصة بك مثل خط سير الرحلات والحجوزات الفندقية بالإضافة إلى الاستشارات المجانية عبر البريد الالكتروني.
  5. يجب شراء بوليصة تأمين صحي أثناء السفر  والتي تغطي أي حالات طبية طارئة مع الرعاية في المستشفيات والسفر مرة أخرى إلى البلد الأصلي بسبب دوافع طبية. ينبغي أن تغطي بوليصة التأمين الصحي المصروفات التي تصل إلى 30,000 يورو، ويعتمد هذا المبلغ على عدد أيام الإقامة كما يجب أن تكون البوليصة سارية في جميع دول منطقة شينجن. يجب شراء بوليصة التأمين الصحي قبل الحصول على التأشيرة وإذا تم رفض التأشيرة الخاصة بك يمكنك إلغاء البوليصة.
  6. دليل على مكان الإقامة طوال مدة الإقامة المقصودة في منطقة شينجن.
  7. من الأفضل أن يكون لديك إثبات الحالة المدنية (شهادة الزواج، شهادة ميلاد الأطفال، شهادة وفاة الزوج، إذا كان ذلك ممكنا)
  8. إثبات توفر المال الكافي للعيش أثناء الإقامة في منطقة شنغن. يختلف من بلد إلى آخر، للمزيد.

B2ما هي تأشيرة زيارة الولايات المتحدة؟

تأشيرة زيارة الولايات المتحدة  تسمح للأشخاص بالسفر إلى الولايات المتحدة لأغراض السياحة، زيارة الأقارب، أو تلقي العلاج الطبي

المتطلبات الأساسية

اولا:نموذج طلب التأشيره 

ثانيا:جواز سفر صالح

ثالثا:اثبات دخل

رابعا:اثبات عمل

خامسا:اثبات سبب الطلب

 كن صريحًا وصادقًا: خلال المقابلة، تأكد من تقديم إجابات واضحة وصحيحة للمزيد ادخل للرابط التالي

 تأشيرات الهجرة الامريكيه

تستخدم هذه التأشيرات للأشخاص الذين يرغبون في الانتقال إلى الولايات المتحدة بشكل دائم

  • تأشيرات العائلة : تمكّن أفراد العائلة من الحصول على تأشيرات بناءً على صلة القرابة بالمواطنين أو المقيمين الدائمين في الولايات المتحدة

  • (Family-Sponsored Visas)
  • تأشيرات العمل : للأشخاص الذين يعملون في مجالات معينة ويحتاجهم أصحاب العمل في الولايات المتحدة

  • (Employment-Based Visas)
  • تأشيرات اللجوء: للأفراد الذين يحتاجون إلى الحماية بسبب الاضطهاد
  • (Asylum and Refugee Visas

لمعرفه المزيد ادخل للرابط

  ماهي انواع تأشيرات الطلاب للدراسه في امريكا؟

إليك المعلومات الدقيقة عن تأشيرات الطلاب إلى الولايات المتحدة:

أنواع تأشيرات الطلاب في الولايات المتحدة، هناك نوعان رئيسيان من تأشيرات الطلاب


تأشيرة : هذه هي النوع الأكثر شيوعًا من تأشيرات الطلاب. تُخصص للأفراد الذين يرغبون في حضور برنامج أكاديمي أو برنامج لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية في كلية أو جامعة أمريكية، أو مدرسة ثانوية، أو مؤسسة أكاديمية أخرى


تأشيرة : تُخصص هذه التأشيرة للطلاب الذين يرغبون في الانضمام إلى برامج تدريبية غير أكاديمية أو مهنية (مثل المدارس التقنية أو المعاهد الطهو)

لمعرفه المزيد ادخل للرابط

Visitor Visa to New Zealand

You can come to New Zealand as a visitor. During your stay, you’ll need enough money to support yourself and everyone included in your application. While you’re here, you can enjoy New Zealand’s scenery, adventure, culture, and friendly people.

With this visa you can:

  • Visit friends and family, explore New Zealand or enjoy amateur sports, or adventure activity.
  • Study for up to 3 months.
  • Include your partner, and dependent children aged 19 and under, in your visa application.

How to apply for a visitor’s visa

You’ll need a visa to come to NZ if you’re from:

  • a country not on the visa-waiver list.
  • a country on the visa-waiver list and are staying for more than 3 months
  • the UK and are staying for more than 6 months.

Check visa-waiver list here: https://www.govt.nz/browse/immigration-and-visas/applying-for-a-visitors-visa/visitors-visa/


The cost depends on your citizenship, the country you’re applying from and the type of visitor visa you need. You won’t get a refund if your application is denied.
You can pay by:

  • bank cheque
  • credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • SWITCH card (UK only).


How to apply

You’ll need to provide:

  • an online application or your completed visitor visa application (form number INZ 1017)
  • 2 colour passport photos
  • a passport that’s valid for at least 3 months after the date you plan to leave NZ
  • a ticket out of NZ, or enough money to buy one
  • proof you have enough money to live on while you’re in NZ. This means:
  1. NZD1000 per month
  2. NZD400 per month if you’ve already paid for your accommodation, or
  3. a completed Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry (form number INZ 1025), if someone’s agreed to financially support you.

Medical certificates

You’ll need to provide a medical certificate (form number INZ 1007) if you’ll be in NZ longer than 6 months but less than a year and you’ve ever:

  • had a blood or plasma transfusion
  • been exposed to an infectious disease like HIV or Hepatitis B or C
  • used intravenous drugs.

You’ll need to provide a chest x-ray certificate (form number INZ 1096) if you’re from, or have spent more than 3 months in, any country not on the list of countries with low incidence of tuberculosis.

Visitor Visa

If you are planning to visit someone, a friend or a family member you will need a visitor visa.

Visitor visa to Europe

Visitor visa to Australia

Visitor visa to New Zealand

Visitor visa to Canada

Visitor visa to The USA

Visiting Relatives/Friends to Europe

  • If the applicant declares that he/she will be covering all the travel expenses, proof of one’s financial status is requested otherwise if the relative/friend is to cover the applicants expenses, a formal document issued by the competent authorities to a resident of a Schengen country (the friend/relative in this case) is to be submitted.
  • The formal invitation by the relative/friend residing in a Schengen country.
  • If the applicant will be covering the expenses on his/her own, the relatives/friends name, address and the copy of their passport will suffice. In case that the friend/relative is not a citizen of this Schengen country, the copy of the residency permit will also be required.

Visitor Visas to Australia



This visa lets you visit Australia:

  • To visit or for business visitor purposes
  • as many times as you want, for up to a year
  • and stay up to three months for each visit.​

You must not work in Australia on this visa.
If eligible to apply for online applications, you will need to pay a service fee of AUD20.​​


You might be able to get an Electronic Travel Authority if you are:



This visa lets you visit Australia:

  •  to visit or for business visitor purposes
  •  for up to three months at a time within a 12-month period.​

​​​​​​This is a free visa.​


You might be able to get an eVisitor if you are:

  • outside Australia
  • a passport holder of a certain country.



​​​This visa lets you and your dependent children transit through Australia for no longer than 72 hours.​


You might be able to get this visa if:

  • you need to pass through Australia on your way to another country
  • you need to pass through Australia to join a ship as a member of the crew.

Length of stay

Up to 72 hours


From AUD 0

Global processing times

75 per cent of applications processed in 6 days



This visa lets you visit Australia:

  • to visit or for business visitor purposes
  • for up to three, six or 12 months.

The base application charge for this visa ranges from AUD140 to AUD1020.
The eVisitor (subclass 651) visa is free. You must be a passport holder of a certain country.
The Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601) visa has an AUD20 service charge. You must be a passport holder of a certain country.​


You might be able to get this visa if you are travelling to Australia:

  • as a visitor
  • for business visitor activities
  • to visit family
  • on a tour with a registered travel agent from the People’s Republic of China.

If you are in Australia you can apply for the Tourist stream of the Visitor visa online provided you currently have a valid visa that does not have condition 8503 imposed.
If you are outside Australia only certain passport holders can apply for this visa online.
If you hold a passport from the People’s Republic of China and are applying from within China you might be able to apply for the Visitor Visa (subclass 600) Frequent Traveller stream visa.



​This visa is for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • are at least 18 but not yet 31 years of age
  • don’t have a dependent child with you at any time during your stay in Australia
  • have a passport from:
  1. Argentina
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Chile
  4. China, People’s Republic of
  5. Hungary
  6. Indonesia
  7. Israel
  8. Luxembourg
  9. Malaysia
  10. Poland
  11. Portugal
  12. San Marino
  13. Slovak Republic
  14. Slovenia
  15. Spain
  16. Thailand
  17. Turkey
  18. USA
  19. Uruguay
  20. Vietnam



This visa is for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • are at least 18 but not yet 31 years of age
  • do not have a dependent child accompanying you at any time during your stay in Australia
  • have a passport from an eligible country.

You might be able to apply online by clicking the ‘Apply now’ button below, if you have a passport from an eligible country. See ‘How to Apply’ for a list of eligible countries.

Visitor Visa to New Zealand

You can come to New Zealand as a visitor. During your stay, you’ll need enough money to support yourself and everyone included in your application. While you’re here, you can enjoy New Zealand’s scenery, adventure, culture, and friendly people.

With this visa you can:

  • Visit friends and family, explore New Zealand or enjoy amateur sports, or adventure activity.
  • Study for up to 3 months.
  • Include your partner, and dependent children aged 19 and under, in your visa application.

How to apply for a visitor’s visa

You’ll need a visa to come to NZ if you’re from:

  • a country not on the visa-waiver list.
  • a country on the visa-waiver list and are staying for more than 3 months
  • the UK and are staying for more than 6 months.

Check visa-waiver list here: https://www.govt.nz/browse/immigration-and-visas/applying-for-a-visitors-visa/visitors-visa/


The cost depends on your citizenship, the country you’re applying from and the type of visitor visa you need. You won’t get a refund if your application is denied.
You can pay by:

  • bank cheque
  • credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • SWITCH card (UK only).


How to apply

You’ll need to provide:

  • an online application or your completed visitor visa application (form number INZ 1017)
  • 2 colour passport photos
  • a passport that’s valid for at least 3 months after the date you plan to leave NZ
  • a ticket out of NZ, or enough money to buy one
  • proof you have enough money to live on while you’re in NZ. This means:
  1. NZD1000 per month
  2. NZD400 per month if you’ve already paid for your accommodation, or
  3. a completed Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry (form number INZ 1025), if someone’s agreed to financially support you.

Medical certificates

You’ll need to provide a medical certificate (form number INZ 1007) if you’ll be in NZ longer than 6 months but less than a year and you’ve ever:

  • had a blood or plasma transfusion
  • been exposed to an infectious disease like HIV or Hepatitis B or C
  • used intravenous drugs.

You’ll need to provide a chest x-ray certificate (form number INZ 1096) if you’re from, or have spent more than 3 months in, any country not on the list of countries with low incidence of tuberculosis.

Temporary Resident Permits Visa to Canada

Normally, persons who do not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) are:

  • refused permanent resident or temporary resident visas abroad;
  • refused Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA);
  • denied entry at a port of entry; or
  • refused processing within Canada.

In some cases, however, there may be compelling reasons for an officer to issue a TRP to allow a person who does not meet the requirements of the Act to enter or remain in Canada.

If you are otherwise inadmissible but have a reason to travel to Canada that is justified in the circumstances, you may be issued a temporary resident permit.

To be eligible for a temporary resident permit, your need to enter or stay in Canada must outweigh the health or safety risks to Canadian society, as determined by an immigration or a border services officer. Even if the reason you are inadmissible seems minor, you must demonstrate that your visit is justified.

There is no guarantee that you will be issued a temporary resident permit. If you would like to receive a permit, you will have to pay a processing fee, which is not refundable.

A permit is usually issued for the length of your visit to Canada—for example, one week to attend a conference. You must leave Canada by the expiry date of the permit, or get a new permit before your current one expires.
Please note that this permit may be cancelled by an officer at any time. The permit is no longer valid once you leave Canada, unless you have specifically been authorized to leave and re-enter.


eTA required
If you are a citizen of an eTA-required country, and are refused an eTA, you may be issued a temporary resident permit depending on the nature and circumstances of the inadmissibility and the continuing rationale for travel. The visa office responsible for your country or region may have its own application form for temporary resident permits. You should check the visa office to find out about its specific application procedures.

You should submit an application for a temporary resident visa along with supporting documents to explain why you are inadmissible and why it may be justified for you to enter Canada.

Note: You may have to attend an interview so that an officer can assess your application.

You must pay a fee (C$200) to cover the cost of processing your application for a temporary resident permit. The fee will not be refunded if the permit is refused. Check the visa office website for specific payment instructions.

Electronic travel authorization
The eTA became a mandatory entry requirement for these air travellers on March 15, 2016. To help reduce travel disruptions, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) established a leniency period from March 15, 2016 to November 9, 2016. As of November 10, 2016, the eTA requirement is enforced at check-in for flights to or through Canada via the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Interactive Advance Passenger Information (IAPI) system.
This requirement does not apply to these foreign nationals travelling to or transiting through Canada by land, sea, or rail modes.

How do you apply for an eTA?

Applicants can access the eTA application form online in two ways:

  • If someone doesn’t know or is not aware if/that they need an eTA, they should consult the Come to Canada wizard first. If it is completed properly, it will direct the applicant to apply for an eTA.
  • If someone knows that they need an eTA, they can access the application form directly at www.Canada.ca/eTA.
    If the applicant is eTA-exempt, or is otherwise not eligible to apply for an eTA, they will be notified and directed to the program(s) for which they are eligible.

Applicants will need to provide the following information in their application:

  • Passport details
  • Personal details
  • Occupation
  • Responses to background questions (to assess for health, criminality and immigration-related concerns)
  • Contact information

Tourism and Visit Visa to the USA


  • Tourism
  • vacation (holiday)
  • visit with friends or relatives
  • medical treatment
  • participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social, or service organizations
  • participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating
  • enrollment in a short recreational course of study, not for credit toward a degree (for example, a two-day cooking class while on vacation)

Application Fee $160

Required Documentation

Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview:

  • Passport valid for travel to the United States – Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States, unless exempt by country-specific agreements (PDF – 57 KB). If more than one person is included in your passport, each person who needs a visa must submit a separate application.
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page
  • Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview.
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.

Additional Documentation May Be Required

Additional documents may be requested to establish if you are qualified. For example, additional requested documents may include evidence of:

  • The purpose of your trip;
  • Your intent to depart the United States after your trip; and/or
  • Your ability to pay all costs of the trip.

Evidence of your employment and/or your family ties may be sufficient to show the purpose of your trip and your intent to return to your home country. If you cannot cover all the costs for your trip, you may show evidence that another person will cover some or all costs for your trip.

Note: Visa applicants must qualify on the basis of the applicant’s residence and ties abroad, rather than assurances from U.S. family and friends. A letter of invitation or Affidavit of Support is not needed to apply for a nonimmigrant tourist visa. If you do choose to bring a letter of invitation or Affidavit of Support to your interview, please remember that it is not one of the factors that we use in determining whether to issue or deny a non immigrant tourist visa.

These are some examples of activities that require different categories of visas and cannot be done while on a visitor visa:

  • study
  • employment
  • paid performances, or any professional performance before a paying audience
  • arrival as a crewmember on a ship or aircraft
  • work as foreign press, radio, film, journalists, and other information media
  • permanent residence in the United States

Additional Information

  • Visitors are not permitted to accept employment or work in the United States.
  •  There is no guarantee that you will be issued a visa. Do not make final travel plans or buy tickets until you have a visa.
  • Unless canceled or revoked, a visa is valid until its expiration date. Therefore, a valid U.S. visa in an expired passport is still valid. If you have a valid visa in your expired passport, do not remove it from your expired passport. You may use your valid visa in your expired passport along with a new valid passport for travel and admission to the United States.

Travel for Medical Treatment

If you are seeking medical treatment in the United States, the consular officer may ask for further documents at your visa interview, which may include:

  • Medical diagnosis from a local physician, explaining the nature of the ailment and the reason you need treatment in the United States.
  • Letter from a physician or medical facility in the United States, stating they are willing to treat your specific ailment and detailing the projected length and cost of treatment (including doctors’ fees, hospitalization fees, and all medical-related expenses).
  • Proof that your transportation, medical, and living expenses in the United States will be paid. This may be in the form of bank or other statements of income/savings or certified copies of income tax returns (either yours or the person or organization paying for your treatment).

Visitor Visas for Personal or Domestic Employees (B-1)
You may apply for a B-1 visitor visa to work in the United States as a personal or domestic employee for your employer in limited situations. You may work in the United States on a visitor visa if your employer is:

  • A U.S. citizen who has a permanent home or is stationed in a foreign country, but is visiting or is assigned to the United States temporarily; or
  • A foreign citizen who is in the United States on one of the following nonimmigrant visa categories: B, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, O, P, or Q.


Business Visa

If you are traveling for business, meeting clients or providers you will need a business visa.

Business visa to USA

Business visa to Europe

Business visa to Australia

Business visa to Canada

Business Visa to the USA

  • Consult with business associates
  • attend a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference
  • settle an estate
  • negotiate a contract

Fees $160

Required Documentation

Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview:

  • Passport valid for travel to the United States – Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States, unless exempt by country-specific agreements (PDF – 57 KB). If more than one person is included in your passport, each person who needs a visa must submit a separate application.
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page
  • Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview.
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.

Additional Documentation May Be Required

Review the instructions for how to apply for a visa on the website of the embassy or consulate where you will apply. Additional documents may be requested to establish if you are qualified. For example, additional requested documents may include evidence of:

  • The purpose of your trip;
  • Your intent to depart the United States after your trip; and/or
  • Your ability to pay all costs of the trip.

Business Schengen Visa to Europe

Business visa is an authorization of the designated country/countries of destination within the Schengen Area issued to the citizens of countries that have mandatory visa requirements from the Schengen Zone with the sole purpose of doing business in the designated Schengen country/countries. The holder of this type of visa is not required to have the citizenship of the designated country in order to follow their business agenda yet it such an authorization has its limitations as well.

Who needs a Schengen Visa?

Non-European citizens willing to travel on business in the Schengen Area are bound to apply for a short-term Schengen visa under “business” specification.

Depending on the visa issued they may be allowed to enter once (single entry) or multiple times (multiple entry) and stay for no longer than 3 months 90 days per year in between the period of 6 months. Such a decision is made by the authorities depending on the nature of your business and the traveler’s requests.

What documentation is required?

First of all, one must download the application form from the internet and fill it completely and sincerely. You can electronically fill in the form for a Schengen Visa and print it out.


  • The signed application form must be followed by other mandatory documents, handed personally at the consulate/embassy or the representative of the country you are planning to study in.
  • One photo is to be attached; the photo must have a passport format, full-face capture, and a light background. The photo must be recently taken.
  • The passport as well as all the copies of your previous visas, valid for at least 3 months prior to your departure is required. The passport must have at least two blank pages.
  •  One must have a copy of the reservation of the return ticket for the time intended to be travelling. It is not recommendable to buy the ticket before getting the visa, if not necessary.
  •  The travel visa insurance policy is to be secured, covering any medical emergency with hospital care and travel back to one’s native country due to medical motives. This health insurance policy has to cover expenses up to 30,000 euros, the sum depending on the residing days, and also it has to be valid in all Schengen countries. The health insurance policy must be purchased before picking up the visa and if your visa is refused you can cancel it.
  • cover letter explaining the purpose of the visit to the Schengen country.
  • A short profile of the applicants working place (company/organization).
  • Memorandum and Article of Association in original certified copy (registered with joint stock companies)/ Trade License (first issued and present renewal)/ Proprietorship/Partnership documents.
  • Current bank statements.
  • A letter from ones employer meticulously describing the purpose of the travel as well as the itinerary of the days spend within the Schengen zone.
  • The invitation letter from the partner company in the Schengen zone, faxed also to the corresponding consulate. This letter has to appear as an invitation to attend meetings or other relevant events matching trade, industry or work.
  • Regarding the applicants expenses, it must be stated either in the employer’s letter or the partner company’s invitation that one of both parties will be covering the applicants travel expenses during his/her stay in the Schengen Zone.
  • Flight ticket reservations.
  • Proof of Accommodation.
  • If there were previous trade relations between the two companies proof of such an event.

Depending on the embassy/consulate that you will be applying to, they might require additional documents to assure the request and the information are genuine, as for example, some embassies/consulates require a certificate that proves you have no legal issues pending or a criminal record. As, one must personally hand the documentation at the previously made appointment (as usually it is required), the person in charge at the embassy/consulate will notify you if there is any additional documentation needed and the nature of that documentation.

Business Visas to Australia



This visa allows you to:

  •  Continue to own and manage a business in Australia (the Business Innovation stream)
  •  continue business and investment activity in Australia (the Investor stream, the Significant Investor stream and the Premium Investor stream)
  •  continue entrepreneurial activity in Australia (Entrepreneur stream).


You might be able to get this visa if you are nominated by a state or territory or the Australian government; and

  • hold a provisional Business Innovation and Investment visa (subclass 188) and have met the requirements of that visa in the stream in which you first applied


  • hold a Special Category visa (subclass 444) and have met the requirements of the business innovation stream.

Length of stay



From AUD 2,350

Global processing times

Unavailable due to low volume of applications



This visa allows you to:

  • own and manage a business in Australia (the Business Innovation stream)
  • conduct business and investment activity in Australia (the Investor stream, the Significant Investor stream and the Premium Investor stream).
  • undertake an entrepreneurial activity in Australia (Entrepreneur stream).


You might be able to get this visa if you are nominated by a state or territory government or Australian agency and are invited to apply by the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.

Length of stay

Four years and three months


From AUD 585

Global processing times

  • Business Innovation stream: 75 per cent of applications processed in 14 months
  • Significant Investor stream: 75 per cent of applications processed in 13 months
  • Investor stream: 75 per cent of applications processed in 18 months
  • All other streams: Unavailable due to low volume of applications.

Business Owner Visa to Australia


This is a permanent residence visa. You will be able to travel in and out of Australia for five years.


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • Hold one of the required provisional business visas
  • managed your business in Australia for the past two years.

Length of stay



From AUD 2,225

Global processing times

Unavailable due to low volume of applications.

Business Talent Visa to Australia


This visa allows you to establish a new or develop an existing business in Australia. It has two streams:

  • Significant Business History stream: for high-calibre business owners or part-owners who want to do business in Australia
  • Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream: for people who have sourced venture capital funding from a member of the Australian Venture Capital Association Limited (AVCAL).


You might be able to get this visa if you are nominated by a state or territory government agency and are invited to apply by the minister.

You must also either:

  • have net business and personal assets of at least AUD1.5 million and an annual business turnover of at least AUD3 million if you intend to apply for the visa in the Significant Business History stream, or
  • have obtained at least AUD1 million in venture capital funding to start the commercialisation and development of a high-value business idea in Australia if you intend to apply for the visa in the Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream.

Length of stay



From AUD 7,130

Global processing times

Unavailable due to low volume of applications.


Temporary Resident Permits Visa to Canada

Normally, persons who do not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) are:

  • refused permanent resident or temporary resident visas abroad;
  • refused Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA);
  • denied entry at a port of entry; or
  • refused processing within Canada.

In some cases, however, there may be compelling reasons for an officer to issue a TRP to allow a person who does not meet the requirements of the Act to enter or remain in Canada.

If you are otherwise inadmissible but have a reason to travel to Canada that is justified in the circumstances, you may be issued a temporary resident permit.

To be eligible for a temporary resident permit, your need to enter or stay in Canada must outweigh the health or safety risks to Canadian society, as determined by an immigration or a border services officer. Even if the reason you are inadmissible seems minor, you must demonstrate that your visit is justified.

There is no guarantee that you will be issued a temporary resident permit. If you would like to receive a permit, you will have to pay a processing fee, which is not refundable.

A permit is usually issued for the length of your visit to Canada—for example, one week to attend a conference. You must leave Canada by the expiry date of the permit, or get a new permit before your current one expires.
Please note that this permit may be cancelled by an officer at any time. The permit is no longer valid once you leave Canada, unless you have specifically been authorized to leave and re-enter.


eTA required
If you are a citizen of an eTA-required country, and are refused an eTA, you may be issued a temporary resident permit depending on the nature and circumstances of the inadmissibility and the continuing rationale for travel. The visa office responsible for your country or region may have its own application form for temporary resident permits. You should check the visa office to find out about its specific application procedures.

You should submit an application for a temporary resident visa along with supporting documents to explain why you are inadmissible and why it may be justified for you to enter Canada.

Note: You may have to attend an interview so that an officer can assess your application.

You must pay a fee (C$200) to cover the cost of processing your application for a temporary resident permit. The fee will not be refunded if the permit is refused. Check the visa office website for specific payment instructions.

Electronic travel authorization
The eTA became a mandatory entry requirement for these air travellers on March 15, 2016. To help reduce travel disruptions, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) established a leniency period from March 15, 2016 to November 9, 2016. As of November 10, 2016, the eTA requirement is enforced at check-in for flights to or through Canada via the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Interactive Advance Passenger Information (IAPI) system.
This requirement does not apply to these foreign nationals travelling to or transiting through Canada by land, sea, or rail modes.


How do you apply for an eTA?

Applicants can access the eTA application form online in two ways:

  • If someone doesn’t know or is not aware if/that they need an eTA, they should consult the Come to Canada wizard first. If it is completed properly, it will direct the applicant to apply for an eTA.
  • If someone knows that they need an eTA, they can access the application form directly at www.Canada.ca/eTA.
    If the applicant is eTA-exempt, or is otherwise not eligible to apply for an eTA, they will be notified and directed to the program(s) for which they are eligible.

Applicants will need to provide the following information in their application:

  • Passport details
  • Personal details
  • Occupation
  • Responses to background questions (to assess for health, criminality and immigration-related concerns)
  • Contact information

Student visa

If you are planning to study abroad, you will need a student visa

Student visa to Europe

Student visa to New Zealand

Student visa to Canada

Student visa to USA

Student Schengen Visa to Europe

A student visa best translates into a genuine authorization the government of the designated country issues to students who are already accepted at a certified educational establishment. The holder of this type of visa is not required to have the citizenship of the designated country in order to follow studies yet it is no immigrant visa either. Every student with the citizenship of a country that requires a visa to enter the Schengen zone must obtain a student visa in order to follow studies in the educational institute of the designated Schengen country.

Who needs a Schengen Visa?

The students who are not citizens of any European country yet still wish to come and study in Europe must apply for Schengen student visa. Together with the visa, if the duration of the studies is longer than 90 days as it happens with most of the students that wish to complete a whole academic year or even more, students must also apply for the residency permit that allows you to reside in the designated country for a period of one whole year.

What documentation is required?

First of all, the student must download the application form from the internet and fill it completely and sincerely. You can electronically fill in the form for a Schengen Visa and print it out. The signed application form must be followed by other mandatory documents, handed personally at the consulate/embassy or the representative of the country you are planning to study in.

  • A valid travel document/ passport (At least 3 months up to its expiration date)
  •  Documentation to prove how you intend to support your stay in Europe. You may present the following as a proof of means of subsistence: cash in convertible currency, travellers cheques, cheque books for a foreign currency account, credit cards or any other means that guarantees funds in hard currency.
  • Proof regarding your accommodation. This is not necessarily required in case the students proves that he/she will have sufficient funds to maintain themselves during their stay in the foreign Schengen country.
  • Two current passport-sized photos (Appropriate for the designated embassy/consulate)
  • Travel itinerary.
  • Medical/travel insurance valid for your entire stay in the Schengen country.
  • Letter of acceptance from your university.
  • A bank receipt to prove you have paid the processing fee

Depending on the embassy/consulate that you will be applying to, they might require additional documents to assure the request and the information are genuine, as for example, some embassies/consulates require a certificate that proves you have no legal issues pending or a criminal record. As, the students must personally hand the documentation at the previously made appointment (as usually it is required), the person in charge at the embassy/consulate will notify you if there is any additional documentation needed and the nature of that documentation.


Study Visa to New Zealand

You’ll need a student visa if you want to study full time in New Zealand for more than 3 months.

When you need a student visa

Before you apply for a student visa, you must be accepted into a course with an approved educational provider.

Students who don’t need a visa

You don’t need a student visa to study full time if:

  • you’re an NZ citizen or resident
  • you’re an Australian citizen
  • you have a permanent residence visa or a resident return visa for Australia — without conditions.


Full-time study

Full-time study is:

  • for most tertiary institutions, at least 3 papers or equivalent, per semester
  • attending primary or secondary school.

Full-time study at Private Training Establishments (PTEs)

Full-time study at a PTE is:

  • a course that requires you to attend for at least 20 hours each week, or
  • if the course is Level 7 or above on the New Zealand Qualification Framework, studying at least 3 papers, or equivalent, each semester.

Applying for a student visa

Before you apply for a student visa

There are requirements you need to meet before applying for your student visa. You must be accepted into an approved course and show you have enough money to live on while you’re in NZ.

What you need before you apply

To qualify for a student visa, you’ll need:

  • to have been accepted into a course at an education institute approved by the Ministry of Education or NZQA
  • money for your tuition fees, or proof that they’ll be covered by a scholarship
  • proof you have enough money to live on while you’re in NZ
  • a ticket out of NZ, or enough money to buy one.

Supporting yourself financially

To support yourself while you study in NZ, you need to show you have one of the following:

  • NZD$1,250 for each month if your programme of study is less than 9 months
  • NZD$15,000 for each year if your programme of study is longer than 9 months
  • a scholarship, such as a New Zealand Aid Programme scholarship, or
  • a sponsor or family member who’s agreed to accept financial responsibility for you while you’re in NZ.

Insurance and health

You’ll also need:

  • approved medical and travel insurance, and
  • to be healthy and of good character.

Contact your education provider to get help with arranging medical and travel insurance.

Students under 13

If you’re under 13, you need to have a parent or legal guardian with you while you’re here.

Fees for domestic and international students

Most people who come to NZ to study are classed as international students and need to pay full fees.

If you qualify as a domestic student, your fees are usually less — but you’ll still need a student visa. You’re considered a domestic student instead of an international student if, for example:

  • you’re a PhD student who enrolled after April 2005
  • you’re studying at primary or secondary school under a government-approved exchange programme
  • you’re studying at primary or secondary school in NZ because your parent or legal guardian is here on a Work visa.

Character requirements for a student visa

You need to be of good character to study in New Zealand. If you want to come to NZ for more than 2 years, you’ll need to supply a police certificate.

Character requirements

You may not be allowed to come to New Zealand if you’ve committed a serious crime.
Check detailed information on character requirements here: http://glossary.immigration.govt.nz/Goodcharacter.htm

Documents you’ll need to supply

If you’re over 17 and you’ll be in NZ for more than 2 years, you’ll need to provide a police certificate from:

  • your country of citizenship, and
  • any country you’ve lived in for longer than 5 years since you turned 17.

Police certificates must be less than 6 months old when you lodge your application with Immigration NZ.
If you think you meet the requirements and you’ve collected your documents, you can usually apply online. Make sure you apply at least 6 weeks before you plan to come to NZ.

How to apply

You can apply online or fill out a paper form. If you apply online and supply all the information required, then you are likely to get a decision more quickly.

Applying for a visa online

Visas you can apply for using Immigration Online

You can apply for the following visas using Immigration Online:

  • Individual Student
  • Individual Work
  • Individual Visitor
  • Applying to extend your stay in New Zealand
  • Applying on behalf of an individual for student, work or visitor visa.

You are unable to apply for the following visas:

  • Groups (tour groups, sports teams etc.)
  • Family
  • Other categories.

What’s involved

  • Check the supporting documents you need to provide with your application
  • Create your Immigration ONLINE account
  • Complete all relevant fields in the application as fully as you can
  • Upload your documents and photo
  • Pay the application fee with your credit card
  • Submit the application
  • An Immigration New Zealander officer will begin assessing your application
  • A decision is made on your application and you are notified
  • Your eVisa is issued, or a physical label is placed on your passport.

What you need to apply online

To complete an online application you will need:

  • A valid credit card
  • A computer and reliable internet connection
  • A passport-style photo in jpeg format
  • PDF copies of your important documents OR a scanner to make copies.


An eVisa is a visa issued without a physical label.

How to use Immigration Online

Information on how to answer questions, available languages and progressing through an online application.

Security and privacy
The security and privacy of your personal information is important to us. The system will allow information to be shared securely with other organisations online, subject to authorisation from users, who will also be able to review and update their own online data.

What to send with your application

You’ll need to provide:

  • 2 colour passport photos
  • all the required documents, and
  • a passport that’s valid for at least 3 months after the day you plan to leave NZ.

Documents you may need to send with your application include:

  • medical certificates
  • police certificates
  • translations of any documents not in English
  • the correct application fee.

How much visa applications cost and when to pay

This information is provided here:

Working while on a student visa

You can usually work up to 20 hours a week during term time, and full time over the holidays.

Who can work on a student visa

The visa in your passport will tell you if you can work, when and for how long.

You can usually work part time for up to 20 hours per week as long as your full-time study programme is:

  • at least 2 years in duration, or
  • at least 1 full academic year, if you’re studying in NZ on an approved tertiary exchange scheme.

You must also be studying on a programme that:

  • leads to a New Zealand qualification that gives you points towards an application for a Skilled Migrant Category visa, or
  • is an English language course that meets conditions approved by Immigration NZ, or
  • is funded by a New Zealand Aid Programme scholarship and you’re studying under the:
  1. New Zealand Development Scholarship
  2. Commonwealth Scholarship
  3. New Zealand Pacific Scholarship, or
  4. New Zealand Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Scholars Award.

Hours you can work

Most NZ student visas let you work up to 20 hours a week during term-time and full time during holidays. Check your visa to confirm the hours you can work.
If you have to complete work experience as part of your training, this can be additional to your 20 hours a week.
Masters by research and PhD students can work as many hours as they like.


What you can’t do

International students aren’t allowed to be self-employed. You must work for an employer and have an employment agreement.
You can’t provide commercial sexual services. This means you can’t:

  • work as a prostitute
  • operate a New Zealand prostitution business
  • invest in a prostitution business.

Study Visa to Canada

When a study permit is required

Foreign nationals are required to obtain a study permit for engaging in academic, professional, vocational or other education or training that is more than six months in duration at a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada.

The following activities are not considered studies for the purposes of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA) and do not require a study permit:

  • pre-school (pre-kindergarten);
  • courses of general interest or self-improvement;
  • distance learning; and
  • audited courses (typically by sitting in on an academic course, but without obtaining credit for it, or having the ability to obtain credit for it retroactively).

The following documents must be provided with a study permit application for both new applications and renewals:

  • Application for Study Permit Made Outside of Canada form [IMM 1294] (overseas) or Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada as a Student form [IMM 5709] (inland);
  • Family Information form [IMM 5645], if applicable;
  • Schedule 1 – Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada form [IMM 5257], if applicable;
  • Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union form [IMM 5409], if applicable;
  • Custodianship Declaration form [IMM 5646], for applicants who are minors;
  • Use of a Representative form [IMM 5476], if applicable;
  • Letter of acceptance (outside of Canada), or letter of enrolment or transcript (renewals) from a designated learning institution (DLI);
  • Proof of financial support;
  • Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) or letter of approval from the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion (MIDI) for a CAQ for applicants destined to Quebec;
  • Application processing fee payment, and if applicable, biometric process fee payment;
  • Proof of identity:
  1. original valid passport, or
  2. photocopy of the information/biodata page of the applicant’s passport;
  • Two recent passport-sized photographs (applicant’s name and date of birth should be written on the back of the photos); and
  • Proof of completion of upfront medical examination from the panel physician (optional).

Student Visa to the USA

Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence. You must have a student visa to study in the United States. Your course of study and the type of school you plan to attend determine whether you need an F-1 visa or an M-1 visa.


To enter the United States to attend: You need the following visa category:
University or college F
High School
Private elementary school
Another academic institution, including a language training program
Vocational or other recognized nonacademic institution, other than a language training program M


Students cannot travel on the Visa Waiver Program or with Visitor Visas

Citizens of Visa Waiver Program (VWP) participating countries who intend to study cannot travel on the VWP or on visitor (B) visas, except to undertake recreational study as part of a tourist visit. Students must travel to the United States with student (F-1 or M-1) visas. For more information on the VWP, see Visa Waiver Program.

For short periods of recreational study, a Visitor (B) visa may be appropriate
Enrollment in a short recreational course of study, which is not for credit toward a degree or academic certificate, is permitted on a visitor (B) visa. Learn more about Visitor Visas.
Study leading to a U.S. conferred degree or certificate is not permitted on a visitor (B) visa, even if it is for a short duration. For example, distance learning which requires a period of time on the institution’s U.S. campus requires an F-1 visa.

Application Fee $160

Required Documentation

Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview:

  • Passport valid for travel to the United States – Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States (unless exempt by country-specific agreements). If more than one person is included in your passport, each person who needs a visa must submit a separate application.
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page
  • Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.
  • Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status-For Academic and Language Students, Form I-20 or Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (M-1) Student Status for Vocational Students, Form I-20 – Your school will send you a SEVIS-generated Form I-20 once they have entered your information in the SEVIS database. You and your school official must sign the Form I-20. All students, their spouse and minor children if they intend to reside in the United States with the student, must be registered in the Student and Exchange Visitor System (SEVIS). Each person receives an individual Form I-20.


Additional Documentation May Be Required

Review the instructions for how to apply for a visa on the website of the embassy or consulate where you will apply. Additional documents may be requested to establish that you are qualified. For example, additional requested documents may include evidence of:

  • Your academic preparation, such as:
  1. Transcripts, diplomas, degrees, or certificates from schools you attended; and
  2. Standardized test scores required by your U.S. school;
  • Your intent to depart the United States upon completion of the course of study; and
  • How you will pay all educational, living and travel costs.

Work Visa

If you are planning to work in another country you will need a work visa

Work visa to Europe

Work visa to New Zeland

Work visa to Canada

Work visa to USA

Working Schengen Visa to Europe

Working visa is an authorization of the designated country/countries of destination within the Schengen Area issued to the citizens of countries that have mandatory visa requirements from the Schengen Zone for the sole purpose of traveling in the designated Schengen country/countries in order to engage in a working activity commonly ordained by the Company Institution inside the Schengen Zone. The holder of this type of visa is not required to have the citizenship of the designated country in order to be working for a Company Institution in the Schengen Area as well as reside alone or with his/her family in the designated Schengen country.

Who needs a Working Schengen Visa?

Citizens of the USA, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, as well as EU citizens may apply for their residence permit after entering the Schengen territory without a visa.

Citizens of other countries must apply and get a residence permit before entering the Schengen territories for work purposes. This option is also available to the citizens of the countries who could otherwise enter without a visa first.

What documentation is required?


First of all, one must download the application form from the internet and fill it completely and sincerely. You can electronically fill in the form for a Schengen Visa and print it out.

  • One photo is to be attached; the photo must have a passport format, full-face capture, and a light background. The photo must be recently taken.
  • The passport as well as all the copies of your previous visas, valid for at least 3 months prior to your departure is required. The passport must have at least two blank pages.
  • One must have a copy of the flight reservation for the time intended to be traveling. It is not recommendable to buy the ticket before getting the visa, if not necessary.
  • The travel medical insurance policy is to be secured, covering any medical emergency with hospital care and travel back to one’s native country due to medical motives. This health insurance policy has to cover expenses up to 30,000 euros, the sum depending on the residing days, and also it has to be valid in all Schengen countries. The health insurance policy must be purchased before picking up the visa and if your visa is refused you can cancel it!
  • Attention, two application forms must be filled
  • Proof of Accommodation
  • The employment contract between the applicant and the future employer residing in the Schengen territory.

Depending on the embassy/consulate that you will be applying to, they might require additional documents to assure the request and the information are genuine, as for example, some embassies/consulates require a certificate that proves you have no legal issues pending or a criminal record. As you must personally hand the documentation at the previously made appointment (as usually it is required), the person in charge at the embassy/consulate will notify you if there is any additional documentation needed and the nature of that documentation.

Work Visa to New Zealand

If you’re planning to work here temporarily and you’re not an NZ or Australian citizen or permanent resident, you’ll need a work visa.

Who needs a visa

You might be able to get a work visa if:

  • you have a job offer from an NZ employer
  • you’re coming for a particular work-related purpose or event
  • you’ve been studying here and now want to work, or
  • your partner’s here and you want to join them and work.

You may only need a special visitor visa, such as a Business Visitor Visa, if you’re coming here for things like:

  • business negotiations
  • a short-term sales trip
  • an official trade mission recognised by the NZ government, or
  • work for an overseas government.

Types of work visas

Each visa has different criteria and different application processes. Decide which visa you need before applying.

You’re coming here on holiday but want to do some work

Working holiday scheme visas are available to people from over 40 countries. They’re usually for people aged 18-30 — but some countries offer them up to age 35.
If you’re applying for a working holiday visa make sure you check the requirements for your country.

You have skills that are currently needed in NZ

If you’ve been offered a job here because your employer hasn’t been able to find a New Zealander who’s qualified to fill the position, apply for an Essential Skills Visa.

You’re coming to NZ for a work-related event

You can come to NZ for things like conferences, secondments or to work at events.

You’ve been studying here and now want to work

If you’ve been studying in NZ on a student visa and have finished your studies, you might be able to stay here for work. You’ll need to already have a job offer that’s relevant to what you studied.

Your partner lives here and you want to join them

If your partner lives in NZ, you might be able to work here temporarily so you can be with them.

You’ve been accepted into a work exchange scheme

You can come to NZ as part of a work exchange scheme, but you’ll already need to be accepted into an approved scheme before you apply.

You’re from China and have skills needed here

If you’re a Chinese citizen you can work in NZ if you’ve been offered a full time job in an occupation listed in the China special work category or the China skilled workers category.

You’re from the Philippines, Vietnam or Indonesia and have skills needed here

You’ll need to have a full time job offer in an occupation listed in the special work instructions list for the Philippines, Vietnam or Indonesia.

You’re between 20 and 35 and are highly skilled

You’ll need to have a bachelor’s degree or higher qualification, or a recognised trade qualification with at least 2 years work experience and have a certain level of English skills.

You’re a religious worker and want to help NZ communities practise their religious beliefs

If you have at least 2 years of religious work experience or training, you may be able to come here to work for a religious organisation. You’ll need to already have a job offer from a registered charity.

Providing medical certificates

Depending on how long you’re staying here and where you’re from, you may have to provide medical certificates.

If you’re staying 6 to 12 months

You’ll need to provide a chest x-ray certificate (form number INZ 1096) if you’re from, or have spent more than 3 months in, any country not on this list of countries with low incidence of tuberculosis.

You’ll need to provide a medical certificate (form number INZ 1007) if you’ll be in NZ longer than 6 months but less than a year and you’ve ever:

  • had a blood or plasma transfusion
  • been exposed to an infectious disease like HIV or Hepatitis B or C
  • used intravenous drugs.

Certificates need to be less than 3 months old and from an approved doctor.

If you’re staying more than a year

You’ll need to provide:

  • a chest x-ray certificate (form number INZ 1096)
  • a medical certificate (form number INZ 1007).

Certificates need to be less than 3 months old and from an approved doctor.

If your partner is an NZ citizen or resident

You’ll need to provide:

  • a chest x-ray certificate (form number INZ 1096).
  • a limited medical certificate (form number INZ 1201).

How to apply

You’ll need to provide:

  • 2 colour passport photos
  • a passport that’s valid for at least 3 months after the day you plan to leave NZ
  • medical certificates if required
  • police certificates if required
  • translations of documents not in English if required
  • the correct application fee
  • any other documents or information requested.

Work Visa to Canada

A work permit or authorization to work without a permit is required in order for a foreign national to be allowed to work in Canada. There are specific requirements that must be met by the foreign national and the employer under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) or the International Mobility Program (IMP).

There are two types of work permits: open work permits and employer-specific work permits.
An open work permit allows you to work for any employer in Canada, except for an employer:

You can only get an open work permit in specific situations.

An employer-specific work permit allows you to work according to the conditions on your work permit, which include:

  • the name of the employer you can work for,
  • how long you can work, and
  • the location where you can work (if applicable).

General eligibility requirements


No matter where you apply, you must:

  • prove to an officer that you will leave Canada when your work permit expires,
  • show that you have enough money to take care of yourself and your family members during your stay in Canada and to return home,
  • obey the law and have no record of criminal activity (we may ask you to give us a police clearance certificate),
  • not be a danger to Canada’s security,
  • be in good health and have a medical exam, if needed,
  • not plan to work for an employer listed with the status “ineligible” on the list of employers who failed to comply with the conditions,
  • not plan to work for an employer who, on a regular basis, offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages, and
  • give the officer any other documents they ask for to prove you can enter the country.

Temporary Worker Visas to the USA

Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the United States must first obtain a visa, either a nonimmigrant visa for temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence. Temporary worker visas are for persons who want to enter the United States for employment lasting a fixed period of time, and are not considered permanent or indefinite. Each of these visas requires the prospective employer to first file a petition with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). An approved petition is required to apply for a work visa.

Temporary worker visa categories

Visa category General description – About an individual in this category:
H-1B: Person in Specialty Occupation To work in a specialty occupation. Requires a higher education degree or its equivalent. Includes fashion models of distinguished merit and ability and government-to-government research and development, or co-production projects administered by the Department of Defense.
H-1B1: Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Professional – ChileSingapore To work in a specialty occupation. Requires a post-secondary degree involving at least four years of study in the field of specialization. (Note: This is not a petition-based visa. For application procedures, please refer to the website for the U.S. Embassy in Chile or the U.S. Embassy in Singapore.)
H-2A: Temporary Agricultural Worker For temporary or seasonal agricultural work. Limited to citizens or nationals of designated countries, with limited exceptions, if determined to be in the United States interest.
H-2B: Temporary Non-agricultural Worker For temporary or seasonal non- agricultural work. Limited to citizens or nationals of designated countries, with limited exceptions, if determined to be in the United States interest.
H-3: Trainee or Special Education visitor To receive training, other than graduate medical or academic, that is not available in the trainee’s home country or practical training programs in the education of children with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities.
L: Intracompany Transferee To work at a branch, parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of the current employer in a managerial or executive capacity, or in a position requiring specialized knowledge.  Individual must have been employed by the same employer abroad continuously for 1 year within the three preceding years.
O: Individual with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement For persons with extraordinary ability or achievement in the sciences, arts, education, business, athletics, or extraordinary recognized achievements in the motion picture and television fields, demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim, to work in their field of expertise. Includes persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
P-1: Individual or Team Athlete, or Member of an Entertainment Group To perform at a specific athletic competition as an athlete or as a member of an entertainment group. Requires an internationally recognized level of sustained performance. Includes persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
P-2: Artist or Entertainer (Individual or Group) For performance under a reciprocal exchange program between an organization in the United States and an organization in another country. Includes persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
P-3: Artist or Entertainer (Individual or Group) To perform, teach or coach under a program that is culturally unique or a traditional ethnic, folk, cultural, musical, theatrical, or artistic performance or presentation. Includes persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
Q-1: Participant in an International Cultural Exchange Program For practical training and employment and for sharing of the history, culture, and traditions of your home country through participation in an international cultural exchange program.


Labor Certification – Some temporary worker visa categories require your prospective employer to obtain a labor certification or other approval from the Department of Labor on your behalf before filing the Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, Form I-129, with USCIS. Your prospective employer should review the Instructions for Form I-129 on the USCIS website to determine whether labor certification is required for you.

Petition Approval – Some temporary worker categories are limited in total number of petitions which can be approved on a yearly basis. Before you can apply for a temporary worker visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate, a Petition for a Nonimmigrant WorkerForm I-129, must be filed on your behalf by a prospective employer and be approved by USCIS. For more information about the petition process, eligibility requirements by visa category, and numerical limits, if applicable, see Working in the U.S. and Temporary (Nonimmigrant) Workers on the USCIS website. Once the petition is approved, USCIS will send your prospective employer a Notice of Action, Form I-797.

Application Fee $190

Required Documentation

Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview:

  • Passport valid for travel to the United States – Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States (unless exempt by country-specific agreements). If more than one person is included in your passport, each person who needs a visa must submit a separate application.
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page.
  • Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview.
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.
  • Receipt Number for your approved petition as it appears on your Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, Form I-129, or Notice of Action, Form I-797, from USCIS.
  • L Visa Applicants – If you are included in an L blanket petition, you must bring Form I-129S, Nonimmigrant Petition Based on Blanket L Petition, to your interview.

Canada Super Visa: All you need to know

Thinking of visiting your children settled in Canada? Already been there on a visitor visa in the recent past, but now you plan on living with them in Canada for a longer time? You can apply for the Canada Super visa for parents and grandparents.

What is Super visa Canada?

  • Visa application fee: From $100
  • Current processing time: 89 days

multi-entry temporary visa, Canada Super visa permits you to visit your children or grandchildren – that are Canadian permanent residents or citizens of Canada – and stay in the country for up to two years per visit. You can enter Canada multiple times during the visa validity period of up to 10 years.

What’s the difference between Canada Super visa and Visitor visa in Canada?

You can visit your children or grandchildren in Canada on a visitor visa. However, if you want to stay in Canada for more than six months, you can apply for the Canada super visa instead.

Moreover, while the Canadian visitor visa is generally available for everyone, the Super visa is specifically targeted at the parents and grandparents of permanent residents and citizens of Canada. To be able to apply for the Super visa, you must be either the grandparent or parent of a Canadian permanent resident or citizen.

Who may apply for a Canada super visa?

To apply for a Super visa for Canada, you will have to be the parent / grandparent of a PR / citizen of Canada. Dependents cannot be included on a Canada Super visa application. If your spouse or partner will also be traveling to Canada with you, they will have to submit a separate application for the same.

How long can I stay in Canada on a Super visa?

A Super visa allows you to enter Canada many times, each time staying within the country for up to two years, without there being any requirement of getting your status renewed.

Can I stay in Canada permanently on my Super visa?

The super visa permits you to stay temporarily in Canada with your children and grandchildren that might either hold permanent resident status or be the citizens of Canada.

To be able to stay in Canada permanently, your Canadian child or grandchild will have to sponsor you for permanent residence through the Canadian Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP).

Am I eligible for the Canada Super visa?

There are three basic criteria to be fulfilled. To be eligible for the Canada Super visa, you must –

  1. Be the parent / grandparent of a Canadian permanent resident or citizen of Canada,
  2. Have a duly signed letter from your child or grandchild in Canada inviting you to Canada, and
  3. Have medical insurance.

What is a signed letter for Canada Super visa?

A signed letter – from your child or grandchild in Canada – will be needed as proof of your being invited by them. This will be your official Letter of Invitation and will contain a promise of supporting you financially during the length of your Canada visit.

The letter must also have the family details of the individual inviting you to Canada. The list as well as the number of people in the household will be needed. A copy of your child’s or grandchild’s PR document or Canadian citizenship, as applicable, will also be needed.

Do I need medical insurance for Canada Super visa?

Yes. You will need medical insurance as part of the eligibility criteria for Canada Super visa. Proper evidence that the medical insurance has been paid for will be needed. You cannot submit quotes for the same.

Do keep in mind that the medical insurance must be from a Canadian insurance company. The medical insurance for Canada Super visa must be valid for a minimum of one year from the date of your expected entry into Canada. It should provide coverage of at least $100,000.

Can I apply for a Canada Super visa from within Canada while on a visit?

No. You can only apply for the Canada Super visa from outside Canada.

Can I include dependents on my Canada Super visa application?

No. Dependents can’t be included when you apply for the Super Visa for Canada.

Will my Canadian children have to meet any income criteria for inviting me on Canada Super visa?

Evidence of adequate financial support or proof of funds will be needed as part of the eligibility criteria for Canada Super visa. The child or grandchild in Canada that will be inviting you must be able to prove that their household meets the minimum necessary income, also referred to as the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO).

Proof of funds can be shown by submitting any of the documents, such as – bank statements, pay stubs, letter from employer stating salary and date of joining, copy of most recent federal income tax notice of assessment, etc.

What can my child or grandchild do to meet the income requirement for Super visa?

The income of your child or grandchild in Canada must either meet or exceed the minimum required income cut-off. The cut-off is adjusted annually by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

The family size must be mentioned in the Letter of Invitation, determining the amount of income required to provide care and support for you when in Canada.

How to calculate the family size for Canada Super visa?

For calculating the family size, the following will have to be included –

  • Your child / grandchild inviting you to Canada
  • Their spouse or common-law partner
  • Their dependent children
  • Any individual sponsored previously by your child or grandchild
  • You
  • Your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable

The total number, as given above, will represent their family size. For example, if your child or grandchild is unmarried with no children and is inviting you, the family size comes to two. If your child in Canada has a family of four and will be inviting you and your spouse, the family size will be six.

What if my child can’t meet the income requirement for Canada Super visa?

The current income table by IRCC will have to be checked to confirm if they meet the minimum income threshold required as per their family size. If your child / grandchild does not meet the LICO minimum, their spouse or common-law partner can assist by including a Letter of Invitation from them as well.

How do I apply for a Canada Super visa?

You can apply for the Canada Super visa online or submit a paper-based application at a Visa Application Centre (VAC). The following documents will be needed to apply for a Canada Super visa –

  • Letter of Invitation, from your child / grandchild that is a citizen or PR of Canada, promising financial support for your stay, and including the family size.
  • Proof of meeting the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) minimum.
  • Evidence of the relationship – parent or grandparent – to the Canadian citizen or permanent resident that you intend to visit. This evidence can be a birth certificate or other official document naming you as a parent/grandparent.
  • Proof of having private medical insurance.

After applying, you will be required to –

  • Undergo a medical examination and provide proof of the results, and
  • Appear in person to give your biometrics (photo and fingerprints) at a Visa Application Centre (VAC).

Your visitor status on a Canada Super visa will be valid for up to two years per entry.

How does a Parent and Grandparent Super visa differ from a multiple-entry Canada visa?

The main difference between the two is the duration of stay allowed. A 10-year multiple entry visa will let you enter Canada and stay for up to six months on each entry. The Super Visa, on the other hand, provides multiple entries in a 10 year duration, with a stay of up to two years per entry.

Those coming to Canada on a 10-year multi-entry visa will have to apply for an extension and pay a new fee if they want to live beyond six months in Canada. A Super Visa lets you stay in Canada for up to two years a visit, without a need to renew your status.

Unlike the 10-year multiple entry visa for Canada that has general requirements, the Canada Super visa has very specific requirements that must be met.

Other Important FAQs


A Complete Guide on How to Apply for a Canadian Visit or Tourist Visa 

About the Canada Visit Visa

A Canada Tourist Visa is an official document issued by a Canadian Visa Office which is attached to your passport. It is proof that you have met the requirements to enter the country as a temporary resident (either as a visitor, a student, or a worker). It is officially referred to as a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)

There are two types of Visitor Visas for Canada:

  1. Single entry visa: Single entry visas are granted for a period of up to 6 months
  2. Multiple-entry visa: Multiple-entry visitor visas are granted for up to 10 years or one month prior to the expiry date on the passport or re-entry visa (whichever date comes first).

Eligibility requirements for a Canada Visit Visa

The visa requirements for Canada tourist visa are:

  • A valid passport
  • Proof of good health
  • No criminal history or immigration-related convictions
  • Proof that you intend on returning to your home country (stating you have ties such as a job, home, financial assets or family)
  • Proof of funds to sustain you during your stay
  • Intended duration of your stay and temporary residence

Documentation for a Canada Tourist Visa


The documents required for Canada tourist visa are:

  • A valid passport with an expiry date exceeding 6 months
  • Documents to prove your ties to your nation country
  • 2 recent passport size photographs with a white background having no borders
  • The photograph must not be more than 90 days old
  • A sworn affidavit or an invitation letter from your relatives, if you plan to live with them
  • Medical clearance certificate
  • Photocopy of your return ticket and/or travel itinerary
  • Any additional documents required by the local visa office
  • Bank statements to prove you have enough funds to live in Canada for a while.

Documentation is an important step in applying for a Canadian Tourist Visa.

Consult with a lawyer who  can evaluate your unique circumstances and application materials to zero any chances for visa denial.

Application Process for a Canadian Tourist Visa

Application process for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa – TRV):

  • Step 1: Choose whether to apply online or offline.
  • Step 2:  Fill out a visa application form with requested information and documents.
  • Step 3: Pay the visa processing fee via certified cheque or bank draft.
  • Step 4: Visit the nearest Canadian visa application centre with your passport, photographs, and other documents.
  • Step 5: You need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics)
  • Step 6: Submit your visa application form at the Canada visa application centre.
  • Step 7: Get the receipt from the application centre containing the unique tracking number.
  • Step 8: Track your application online using this number.

Things to Note: 

  • If you are applying online for a Canada travel, you should have a credit card and a scanner for the documents.
  • Children under 18 must travel with the right documents and meet the same entry requirements as adults. The border services officer may ask minor children to show other documents depending on whether the child is travelling alone or with someone. Find out about the specific requirements for minor children.
  • After applying for your visa, you may be asked to:
    • Go to an interview with our officials in your country
    • To send more information
    • Get a medical exam
    • Get a police certificate

Cost to apply online

It costs CAD100 (about 5,200 INR) to apply for a visitor visa and the biometrics fee is CAN$85

To extend your stay as a visitor, you need to pay a fee of C$100 or Rs 5532.73 per person. To restore your status as a visitor, you need to pay a visa fee of C$200

Processing Time

The processing time for a Canada tourist visa is 15 days, if your documentation is done properly. A business visa takes 1 to 6 weeks of processing time. A temporary resident visa application takes 16-20 days to be processed.

How can we help you apply?

Profile matching: Based on your unique history, we make matches with the visa eligibility requirements

Procuring documents: Help you arrange documents needed before applying for a Canadian Tourist Visa.

Professional guidance: As a visa consultant, we are well aware of the facts related to the Canadian visitor visa application process.

Proof of funds: Professional advice on how to arrange for funds and document it

Post Visa Assistance: We help you settle down in Canada when you visit the country.

We are one of India’s Leading immigration consultants with a success rate of more than 98.27% with our visa services. For a fast, smooth and affordable visa application,

Related FAQS

Why did my application for a Canada Tourist visa get denied?

Various reasons for which you could be denied entry into Canada:

  • Security reasons, including being involved in terrorism, violence, subversion, or espionage
  • Human rights violation like war crimes
  • For having a criminal record
  • For being a part of an organized crime
  • Medical conditions that that are excessively demanding or cause danger to    public health
  • Financial reasons
  • Having a family member who is inadmissible
  • Non-compliance with IRPA provisions
  • Providing false information in the documents
  • Withholding information related to IRPA decisions
What is the eligibility criteria for a single entry visa?
  • You are a part of a special event
  • If you fulfil the fee exemption criteria
  • The purpose of your visit is limited
Do I need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to visit Canada?

An eTA is required including for travelers coming from an exempt country who is going through Canada. The eTA is valid up to 5 years or when your visa expires, whichever comes first.

Other visa exempt countries include:

  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • France
  • Japan
  • Chile
What are some important things to consider when collecting your documents for a Canada Visit Visa?

For bank statements:

The bank statement must have the last 6 months’ data. It must include foreign slips, property purchases, fixed deposits, etc.

The invitation letter should not be too brief:

  • It should be detailed and clearly state that this individual will provide free food and lodging for you during your entire stay in Canada.
  • It should include your full name and birth date, and also confirm the travel dates that you will be visiting in Canada.
  • More than that, it is essential that the invitation letter is signed by the individual, and have a contact phone number and address in case IRCC wishes to confirm this person’s intention.

For ties to Homeland: 

  • Include copies of title deeds or lease agreements to property translated by a certified translator
  • Add detailed employment letters or contracts that identify you as a permanent employee of your employer, the length of your employment, your role at the company, and when you are expected to return to your employment.
Are you not sure how to proceed with the tourist visa application process?

Our immigration experts :

  • Assess your visa requirements
  • Assist you with the documentation
  • Offer affordable visa and immigration services
  • Make sure your visa processing time is low
  • Offer advise about the visa interview, the embassy or the consulate
  • Offer quality assistance and personalized services
What are the benefits of Canada Travel Insurance?

The benefits of Canada travel insurance are:

  • Secures your luggage from getting lost or being stolen as you travel
  • Allows you to save money in case you need medical assistance
  • You can claim insurance to receive assistance
  • Any cancelled or delayed flights will be taken care of
  • Will take care of personal accidents during your travel as well
What is a visitor record?

A visit record is a document. It is issued by an immigration officer.  You need to inform the border services officer if you wish to stay in the country for more than 6 months. This document is separate from your passport. It includes data when your duration of stay in Canada expires.

When do you need to apply for a visitor record?

During your stay in Canada, you decide to extend it, if you decide to stay for more than 6 months upon your entry.

Do you need a tourist visa for Canada?

Yes, you need a tourist visa or an electronic travel authorization for Canada.

You need a tourist visa while travelling from India when :

  • You are travelling with a passport
  • You are not a citizen of Canada
  • You are not a US resident and don’t possess a Green Card
  • You wish to travel as a tourist
  • You are not trying to gain entry top visit your children or grandchildren
How can you extend your visitor visa in Canada?

You can extend your visitor visa in Canada by applying for a visitor record.

Generally, you need to apply online for this. In certain cases, you can apply offline.

While transiting through Canada, what kind of visa do you need?

While transiting through Canada, you either need a visitor visa or a transit visa.

 You need a visitor visa if:

  • You enter the country
  • Stay in the country for more than 48 hours during your travel
  • You’re crossing the Canadian border by cruise ship, boat, train, car, and bus

 You need a transit visa if:

  • Your visitor visa is invalid
  • You’ll pass through Canada during your travel in 48 hours or less
  • You will be boarding an international connecting flight from an airport in Canada
  • Your flight halts at a Canadian airport
Is one visa application enough for the entire family?

No, one application is not enough for the entire family  Each person must fill up the application for a temporary resident visa. They must sign this along with other forms. You may submit the applications for all the family members in a single envelope.

Update on Canadian Visitor Visas and Coronavirus:

  • Applicants can continue to apply for visitor visas, otherwise known as temporary resident visas (TRVs), via online applications only. Paper applications are not being accepted at this time.
  • If you’re traveling by air, you need to follow all airline requirements and pass a health check conducted by airlines before you’re allowed to board your flight. Anyone who shows symptoms of COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter Canada by air.
  • When you arrive in Canada, they will assess your health before you leave the port of entry.
  • You must have a plan to quarantine for 14 days when you arrive in Canada. This is mandatory, even if you have no symptoms. If you don’t have a plan, you should not travel to Canada.
  • Only people who provide essential services, for example, truck drivers who regularly cross the border to maintain the flow of goods, are exempt from the quarantine requirements.
Which countries do not need a visa to gain entry into Canada?
Andorra Croatia Italy Netherlands Spain
Austria Denmark Israel New Zealand Solomon Islands
Antigua and Barbuda Estonia South Korea Namibia Slovakia
Australia France Japan Poland Slovenia
Bahamas Finland Lithuania Portugal Swaziland
Barbados Greece Latvia Papua New Guinea Sweden
Belgium Germany Liechtenstein St Lucia Switzerland
Brunei Hungary Luxembourg San Marino United States
Botswana Ireland Monaco St Vincent United Kingdom
Cyprus Iceland Malta Singapore Western Samoa

Canada Study Visa (2022): Apply In 6 Simple Steps 


What is a Canada Study Visa?

A Canada study visa allows you to travel to and study in Canada. This visa also allows you to work part-time to bear your expenses, and qualify for student facilities.

According to The Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings 2022, Canada is home to 30 of the world’s top 500 universities. The number of international students opting to study in Canada keeps growing every year. A sizable number of these students stay back in Canada after finishing their studies.

Canada’s universities and community colleges provide some of the best international study programs alongside the best research facilities for foreign students. Canada should be at the top of your list if you are planning to study abroad.

Intakes in Canadian Universities

The fall, winter, and summer are the three academic intakes at the institutions in Canada.

  • Fall – Lasts from September to December.
  • Winter – Lasts from January to April.
  • Summer – Lasts from May to August.

Top Universities in Canada

Canada Rank Global Rank Name of University
1 29 University of Toronto
2 35 McGill University
3 51 University of British Columbia
4 113 University of Alberta
5 137 Université de Montréal
6 140 McMaster University
7 173 University of Waterloo
8 211 Western University
9 233 University of Calgary
10 239 Queen’s University


What are the available Study Programs?

  • Certificate or Diploma of one or two years of duration
  • Advanced Diplomas of two or three years
  • Undergraduate Programs of three or four years
  • Postgraduate Programs of two years
  • Doctorates or PhDs of four or five years with dissertation

The most popular undergraduate courses are engineering and administrative studies. Postgraduate courses that are popular among international students are management, finance, MBA/MIM, MS, and LLB degrees.

What are the different type of universities in Canada?

The higher education system in Canada is no different from the American education system.

There are three main types of Canadian institutions for education:

  • Public Universities : Besides receiving tuition fees from students, these universities are run by the provincial, territorial, or federal governments.
  • Private Universities : These universities do not receive any funds from Canadian government bodies. These universities receive funds through donations and research grants.
  • Liberal Arts Colleges : Public or private colleges are smaller in number in Canada than in the USA. Their primary emphasis is on undergraduate programs in liberal arts.

Some colleges offer a winter intake. Fall is the primary intake season for most institutions. International students should follow a typical application deadline, which would be 6 to 9 months before the start of the session.

Deadlines are usually not flexible except for diploma and PG diploma courses. Some institutions accept students for bachelor and masters degree courses past the given deadline, if seats are available.

Which Canadian universities can I apply to without IELTS?

  • University of Winnipeg : It is compulsory here to produce proof of the English language. This university does not consider IELTS to be essential. You can avail of other alternatives in the university itself.
  • Brock University: IELTS is not required to get enrolled in this university. Other alternatives like TOEFL and IELP (Intensive English Language Program) are also valid. Your last three years of study in English with decent grades are also valid here.
  • University of Saskatchewan: Apart from IELTS and TOEFL, this university also accepts CanTest. This is a Canadian Test of English for scholars and trainees from other countries. This university’s English Language Training program is also a good option.
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland & Labrador: This is one of the top-ranked universities in Canada. You can attend the CAEL or the ELP (English Language Program) classes here or attempt IELTS, TOEFL, or CanTest.
  • Cambrian College: It is well-known for its broad focus on research and employment. IELTS and TOEFL are not required for admission. International students can continue their studies with other universities in Canada.

Eligibility for a Canada Study Visa

The eligibility criteria for obtaining a Canadian study permit are listed below.

  • You are enrolled at a designated learning institution in Canada.
  • You can have enough money to pay for tuition fees, living expenses, for yourself and your family, and pay for return transportation for yourself and your family to your home country.
  • You obey the law, have no criminal record, and can obtain a police certificate if required.
  • You are in good health and are willing to undergo a medical examination if required.
  • You can prove to the visa officer that you will leave Canada on the expiry of your study permit.

Do I have to get a study permit?

It is important to note that a study permit is not the same as a study visa. Here are some scenarios where a foreign national will not require a study permit for education in Canada.

Short Term Studies

  • When your study program or course lasts 6 months or less.
  • When your studies are not a part of any longer study program.
  • When you complete all studies within the time frame approved.

You will however have to obtain a study permit even if the course is less than 6 months long if you are taking a prerequisite course. You may otherwise have to apply for a study permit, before you begin the full study program.

What are some conditions for exemption of study permit?

Other conditions for exemption of study permit for your education in Canada:

  • You are related to the staff of Foreign Representatives: Foreign representatives are accredited by GAC (Global Affairs Canada). Your embassy will have to contact GAC to find out if you require a study permit to study in Canada.
  • You are a member of Foreign Armed Forces: Members of foreign armed forces on official duties will not require a study permit in Canada. However, family members, including minor children will need one for studying here.
  • You are a Registered Indian in Canada: If you are a citizen of another country but have a Registered Indian status in Canada, you will not require a study permit for studying there.
  • Minor Indian Children in Canada: Minor children whose parents are refugees, refugee claimants, or parents having work or study permits will not require a separate study permit while seeking admission into preschool, kindergarten, primary or secondary school.

Documentation Required for a Canadian Student Visa

The following documents are required:

  1. Proof of acceptance
  2. Proof of identity
  3. Proof of financial support
  4. Statement of Purpose
  5. A custodian declaration (for minors)

Documents must be scanned and uploaded. Later, you need to carry the original documents to your visa interview, if you are called for one. It is important to make sure the documents are valid and in order. Kansas can help you with this.

What are the scholarship requirements in Canada?

You will need to prepare well for meeting Canadian scholarship requirements.

This is difficult and requires lengthy preparation, but the right approach can be fruitful.

  • Research Experience: This is crucial for graduate program applicants. It greatly enhances your chances of obtaining financial aid, even if you are applying for undergraduate programs.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA): This is another important aspect of getting a scholarship for graduate or undergraduate programs in Canada. Colleges and universities here consider a key metric for measuring the success of potential students.
  • Internships: Internship experience greatly enhances the success of your scholarship application. Ask for letters of recommendation from your previous employers, especially if your work is related to the field of study.
  • Community Service: This is another aspect of your scholarship application that can make it shine. Students with community service hours are looked up to as caring and considerate.

How do I obtain a study permit for fall 2022?

International students have to submit the following documents for the first stage:

  • letter of acceptance;
  • Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (for Quebec students only);
  • proof of funds;
  • proof that they can leave Canada when they no longer have legal temporary or permanent status; and
  • any family ties to Canada.

International students can begin studying after immigration officers assess their applications and issue pre-approval when eligible.

International students will need to submit the following documents to go to Canada:

  • Immigration medical examination
  • Security-Police certificates
  • Biometrics

How do I obtain a study permit for the next academic year (COVID 19 Update)?

As of January 15, 2022, all international students and their dependents, with limited exceptions, must be fully vaccinated to enter Canada.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) recently determined that international students can start their studies online in their home country and not travel to Canada. But even to start studying online in their home country, students still need a valid visa and fee payment.

To get a study permit in Canada, you must first go to a designated study institution. After acceptance, you can proceed with the application for the study permit online. In addition to the application, you will need to submit certain documents and meet all the Canada Government requirements.

Application Process for Canada Study Visa

Step1: Research to know what’s best for you

It is compulsory for all foreign students to obtain a student authority and visa before migrating to study in Canada. Understand what course fits your career goals the best, the cost of living, visa costs, internships and placement opportunities, and other factors to make an informed decision.

As this requires a lot of research, seeking an expert for help is your best bet. Professionals can guide you through this process in ease and avoid future regrets.

Step 2: Shortlist the best Universities in Canada

Browse the website of the shortlisted colleges/Universities and choose the ones that best match your expectation in terms of quality of education, ranking, programme structure, programme fee and other facilities for international students. You can also call them up or visit their social communities and have your questions answered.

International students should verify that the desired institution is a DLI( Designated Learning Institution). Only universities on this list are considered for a study permit. In the absence of a study permit, you cannot get a visa. For a full list of all DLIs by province, please refer to the Designated Learning Institution List.

International students are required to pursue studies at a DLI as this status is required to get entry into the country.

Step 3: Prepare for entrance exams

There are 7 entrance exams for immigration to Canada. The ones you need to take depend on the program you plan on pursuing.

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL : This is a language test. It measures how well you speak English and your adaptability to the country. It is an easy exam that you should clear if you have basic knowledge of the language. However, do not underestimate this exam. High scores will increase your chances of being selected and may also help you receive entrance scholarships from universities. It is always best to show a foreign country that you are adept at the language they speak in.
  • Graduate Record Exam Graduate Record Exam (GRE): This is an exam that tests graduate program students on their quantitative and analytical skills. This test measures how well a foriegn student would be able to keep with university courses. A high score on this exam could go a long way.
  • SAT: This is a very common standardized test. It is mainly administered in the US but there are prestigious universities in Canada that require you to take this test. Your test results can be sent directly to a few universities of your choice for no cost at all. SATs take a lot of preparation, and it is best to take them seriously.
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT): This is a test that graduate students looking to pursue management programs need to take. MBAs need GMAT scores. It tests your quantitative, verbal and reasoning skills. It is a computer-based exam. You can take them upto five times every year.
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS): This test is very similar to the IELTS exam. You can take either exam to prove your  language skills. Just like the IELTS, it is important to score high on this exam.
  • Medical College Admission Test (MCAT): This is a test for students joining medical programs. It serves as a prerequisite for joining medical programs. It helps universities determine whether a student is equipped to handle their program. There are four sections to this test Verbal Reasoning, Physical Sciences, Writing Sample and Biological Sciences.

Step 4: Finance your studies

Living in a foreign country can be expensive, especially when you factor in the exchange rate. There is rent, tuition fees and several expenses that can add up in the long run. You need to have a solid financial plan, and cannot depend on funding it with a part-time job when you get there.

The government needs to see that you have sufficient funds in your account for them to move forward with your application. Therefore make sure you have evidence that you have the funds, be it a bank statement or an accepted loan application.

Step 5: Apply to university

Apply to the universities well before the deadline to avoid unwarranted mistakes. Speaking to university delegates is a great idea, as they can help you out with information that you may not find on their websites. Canadian universities are very intuitive and applying is easy. However, to know how to make your application stand out, contact us.

Once a prospective student has selected a Canadian university or college, he or she may refer to that institution’s website or contact the office of admissions for information on how to apply. Many institutions receive applications electronically online.

In general, an applicant may receive a decision on an application within four to six months after the application deadline. Successful applicants will receive a Letter of Acceptance, which may be used in the application for a Canada Study Permit.

Step 6: Letter of Acceptance to a Canadian Designated Learning Institution

The Letter of Acceptance is mandatory in the application for a Canada study permit. To obtain a Letter of Acceptance, a potential student may first submit an application to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI). If he or she is successful, the institution may issue a Letter of Acceptance.

The universities will email you acceptance letters when you get in. You must respond to your desired university within a stipulated period of time. Once you have accepted their offer, there are several things to take care of. If there are scholarships that you have in mind, now would be the time to apply to them.

You also need to apply for your study permit and find a place to live. If choosing to live in university dorms, applying early is advisable as they fill up fast. It is also important to keep track of dates, so that you know exactly when to make your way to Canada.

The country does not entertain students coming in earlier than required for their courses, and you will be sent back. You also do not want to arrive too late, and miss important events like orientation.

Step 7: Get your Student Visa

Once you get admission confirmation done, you can apply for your student visa. It is important to do this at the earliest. You will not be able to travel to Canada without one even if your session has started. This is also why it is important to apply for your study permit as this enables you to apply for your visa. There is also a question of not getting through your interview the very first time, so make sure you start procedure well before your program start date.

Can I get a scholarship to Canadian Universities?

There are some basic steps you can undertake to avail a scholarship in Canada. Universities giving generous scholarships to international students in Canada are aplenty.

However, you will need a great application to be able to get fully-funded scholarships in Canada. A variety of sources can help you find these scholarships.

How do I choose where to apply?

Choosing where to apply is the next logical step in the process of applying. Narrowing down the best option can be daunting.

Apart from your area of study, consider these factors while choosing the right college or Canadian university :

  • Primary Language of the College : English, and French are common languages in Canada. Some colleges use one or both as their main language.
  • Type of College : Choose an institute, college, or university th at is the right kind for you. This is an important point in your education.
  • Type of Degree : This will depend upon what you are planning to pursue. It can be an associates, bachelors, masters or Ph.Ds.
  • Location : Research the area surrounding your educational facility. Is it an urban, suburban, or rural location, and does that suit you?
  • Size of College : Are you comfortable in a large or small campus? Do you prefer small seminars or big lectures? Decide where you are most comfortable.
  • The reputation of the University : Spend time researching the reputation of the college. Job placement rates of graduates from the college or university depend on this.
  • Quality of Resources & Facilities : Check out the availability and quality of technical equipment, including the labs and libraries that are in the institution.
  • Opportunities for Work Experience : Does the college run a cooperative program to add to your experience?
  • Fees & Financial Assistance :  Does the institution offer you grants or scholarships to help? Studying abroad can be expensive.
  • Faculty & Staff : Research the faculty and staff associated with your study program. There may be someone in particular that you would like to study with.
  • Recreational Activities : Check out the availability of sports, clubs, or a newspaper, if it interests you. Extracurricular activities can be useful.
  • Accommodation for Special Needs : This is particularly important for international students, if you have physical or learning disabilities.

Can I apply for a Canada Student Visa without IELTS?

Yes, you can study in Canada without IELTS. This English skill test is not required in 2022. There are several Canadian institutions offering study programs without IELTS. They adopt different measures to check your language capability. These universities accept other forms of English language credentials apart from IELTS.

What are some alternatives to enrolling without IELTS?

  • Produce a letter of recommendation from your previous faculties about your English proficiency.
  • Qualify if you have studied in an English-medium school for four or more than four years.
  • If you have attended a university’s language school for a semester or 12 months.
  • Natives of English-speaking nations are also exempted.

Can I Bring my Family to Canada while studying?

Yes, your spouse, common-law partner, and dependent children are eligible to enter Canada with you on a work or study permit. Your ability to bring along your family while you study is a great benefit.

What conditions may be listed on my study permit?

The following conditions depending on your case may be listed on your study permit –

  • Whether you are allowed to work in Canada while studying.
  • If you are allowed to travel within Canada during the study.
  • The last date of your education in Canada.

How can I get exempted from having to provide a Letter of Acceptance?

  • If a foreign national receives written approval for a temporary work or study permit before entering Canada, his or her family members may apply for a study permit without a Letter of Acceptance.
  • Students who wish to pursue a study program of six months or less do not need to obtain a Letter of Acceptance because they do not require a study permit.

Can I get a study permit for multiple DLIs?

If an applicant is applying to a study program offered by more than one institution, the Letter of Acceptance should state this clearly. Both institutions must be DLIs. The Letter of Acceptance should be issued by the concerned DLI. If the degree is issued by more than one DLI, the Letter of Acceptance should be issued by the DLI where the student intends to begin his or her study program.

In this situation, the Letter of Acceptance should clearly state:

  • The name, type, and location of the other institution;
  • The course(s) the potential student intends to pursue at a different institution; and/or
  • The semester(s) that the potential student intends to spend at a different institution.

Can I reapply if my visa is rejected?

Canadian student visa applicants can reapply after being rejected. Evaluate why the earlier application was rejected and ensure that the same mistake is not repeated again. Your Canada Student Visa can take up to a maximum of 45 business days as per new guidelines issued under the SDS program.

Costs Involved for a Canadian Student Visa

  • Cost of living
  • Cost of Application
  • Cost of Tuition

The Canadian student visa requirements state that you must have $10,000 CAD or above to study in Canada and $11,000 CAD in Quebec, on top of tuition fees.

Living costs in Canada depend on your spending habits and location. Living in large cities is generally more expensive.

Can I study in Canada for free?

While there are no colleges or universities in Canada that are tuition-free, you can cover the costs of tuition, room, and board by receiving a fully-funded scholarship. A scholarship is the best way to study in Canada for free.

What are some important aspects of your scholarship application?

  • Search for Fully Funded Scholarships : This is an essential aspect if you want to study in Canada for free. Your consultant is an expert who can be immensely helpful in finding the right source.
  • Apply for Scholarships to Study for Free : You increase your chances if you apply to several universities. Complete the applications carefully and attach the required documents along with them.
  • Attend Affordable Universities to Cut Down Tuition Costs : Although helpful, this aspect alone will not be able to fully cover the cost of studying in Canada. However, there are universities here that provide a great education at affordable costs.
  • Work in Canada while Studying : Working is another way in Canada to finance your studies. Your Canada study visa allows you to work for 20 hours a week during the academic semester and 40 hours a week during vacations.
  • Find Work Online : You can also find work online as a freelancer or start an online business. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are great sources where you can earn money while studying in Canada.

Processing Time for a Canadian Student Visa

Your Canada Student Visa can take up to a maximum of 45 business days as per new guidelines issued under the SDS program.

Why Choose Kansas?

Kansas Overseas Careers is the best immigration consultant in India. Don’t take our word for it, we have the numbers to prove it. Our success rate is 98.23 %.

  • Visit Visa: Travel for leisure or business to any part of the world with Kansas.
  • Study Visa: Study in Globally-recognized Universities!
  • Work Visa: Work & settle in the World’s Best Cities!
  • Immigration: We are your one-stop solution for all your visa and immigration needs
  • Permanent Residence: Become a Permanent Resident and enjoy special benefits.

Customized services:

  • Profile Evaluation: Based on your unique profile history, we make matches with the visa eligibility requirements, and advise you with the visas you must apply for.
  • Resume Writing: We guide you to create a resume that stands out as desired by the concerned immigration authority.
  • Procuring documents: Help you arrange documents needed before applying for a visa.
  • Professional guidance: Be it providing you with interview training, French/English courses or working samples for resumes, cover letters or assisting with application forms, medical or police clearance certificates – we will always be there for you.
  • Dedicated Case-Officer: We offer personal assistance and a single point-of-contact between the company and you, throughout the process
  • Post-Landing Services: We help you settle down in the country after you’ve received your visa. These services are specifically customized as per your requirements.

You can expect a one-stop solution for all your visa needs from profile evaluation, documentation, application drafting to post-visa services with Kansas. If you are confused about filing the AIPP application, you can contact us immediately. We will be pleased to help you in any way we can.

Don’t wait. Begin your visa application today!

Other Important FAQs

1.  Is it Difficult to Get a Canada Student Visa?

There is a rise in rejection with an increase in the number of student visa applications. On average, about 39% of total study permit visas are rejected each year. Several factors influence the steep rise in Canadian student visa rejection.

2.  Is it easy to get Canadian PR after my studies are completed?

There are a multitude of opportunities for international students to apply for permanent residency after studying in Canada.

Spearheaded by the Federal Express Entry system, there is a wide network of immigration programs offering citizenship Canada :

  • The Atlantic Immigration Pilot has a specific stream for international graduates.
  • With three streams at different levels of graduates, Ontario, the largest province in Canada leads the way among the provincial nominee programs.
  • When the PR candidate has an advanced level knowledge of French, Quebec’s international graduate stream will not require a job offer.
  • Specific international graduate streams are also available for Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.
  • PR provision for international graduates is available under the Alberta Opportunity Stream.

Other provinces are offering a window of up to three years to hold a post graduation work permit for gaining the required work experience to qualify for Canadian permanent residence.

3.  Why is my Canada Student Visa rejected?

Most common reasons for rejection of Canada Student Visa include –

  • Financial insufficiency for studying in Canada.
  • The chosen study program fails to align with the applicant’s academic or employment background.
  • Issues with the applicant’s Letter of Acceptance from the Canadian institution
  • Non-native, English-speaking international students failing to submit the required proof of language proficiency when required
  • Lack of supporting evidence in your travel history or identity documents
  • Lack of intent to return to the home country as the study permit is a temporary visa
  • Lack of job opportunities in the home country is another indication that the applicant is intending to settle in Canada. The choice of your study program should not cast such doubts.

4. What are my responsibilities while studying in Canada?

You must abide by these while studying in Canada :

  • Ensure progress with your study program.
  • Respect all conditions listed on your study permit.
  • Stop studying when you no longer meet the requirements.
  • Prepare to leave Canada at the expiry of your study permit.

5. Are there good language schools in Canada for foreign students with English and French as their second language?

Prospective international students can study either French or English as a second language in Canada. The programs are of good quality, as can be seen on the Languages Canada website. This organization provides a quality assessment of the language schools across Canada and offers lists of approved programs and members.

6. What can I expect when renewing my study permit?

The immigration officer examining an application for a study permit renewal has the right to request proof that the applicant has met the requirements of the original study permit. This may manifest as a letter from the institution clarifying that the student has been actively pursuing his or her studies.A second Letter of Acceptance is not generally required for the renewal of a study permit.

7. Can I work while studying in Canada?

As an international student in Canada, you can work for 20 hours every week during session, and full-time on breaks.

8. What are the eligibility requirements for working on campus?

In order to be eligible to work off-campus during his or her studies, an international student must:

  • hold a valid study permit;
  • be studying full-time at a (Visit our dedicated page for a comprehensive Designated Learning Institution (DLI) List);
  • have satisfactory academic standing as determined by their institution;
  • be studying in an academic, vocational or professional training program that is at least six months in duration and leads to a degree, diploma or certificate
  • have a Social Insurance Number (SIN).

If an international student’s situation changes and he or she no longer meets any of the above eligibility requirements, he or she must stop working off-campus.

9. Do I have to stop working if I change my course?

Sometimes a student who is no longer studying full-time may be able to continue working off-campus if he/she is now studying part-time because it is the last semester of his or her study program and a full-time course schedule is no longer required to complete the program of study.

10. Who is not allowed to work off-campus?

  • Students enrolled in an English as a Second Language (ESL) or French as a Second Language (FSL) program;
  • Students taking a general interest course or program; and
  • Visiting or exchange students at a designated learning institution

11. How does the IRCC determine course completion?

Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) considers a student’s full-time status based on the number of hours and credits allocated towards the completion of a degree.

12. What is on-campus work?

If a student gets a job working for an employer based on campus, it is considered on-campus work.

An on-campus employer includes the school, a faculty member, a student organization, a private business (located within the boundaries of the campus), a private contractor that provides services to the school, and being self-employed on-campus.

13. When can I work as a co-op or intern?

International students pursuing a study program at a DLI in Canada that requires a mandatory work placement or internship can apply for a co-op or intern work permit in addition to a valid study permit.

Learn more about Co-op Work Permits in Canada.

14. What is a Post-Graduate Work Permit?

Once the international student graduates, a Post-Graduation Work Permit may be obtained.

15. Who is eligible for an open work permit?

In some cases, spouses or common-law partners of international students studying full-time may be eligible for an open work permit. Visit our dedicated page for information on the advantages of an open work permit.

16. What are the types of immigration categories for International student Immigrants?

If you have any questions about applying for Canadian permanent residence, please contact us.

Program/category Aligned with Express Entry? Is a job offer required? Additional information
Canadian Experience Class Yes No Graduates must have a Post-Graduation Work Permit.

They earn more Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points because of this.

Federal Skilled Worker Program Yes No Graduates earn additional Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points.
Federal Skilled Trades Program Yes No Graduates earn additional Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points.
The Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP)

Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP)

No Yes Post-secondary institution graduates in the Atlantic provinces can apply. Work experience is not required. A  two-year post-secondary diploma from a publicly funded learning institution in the Atlantic region is required. Has to submit an application within 24 months of earning the diploma.
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot No No If they meet qualifying education requirements, graduates are exempt from the program’s work experience criteria.

Alberta Opportunity Stream

No Yes Eligible if they have completed their studies at an approved Alberta post-secondary institution and are employed in Alberta on a Post-Graduation Work Permit.
British Columbia

BC PNP Skills Immigration: International Graduate

No Yes Post-secondary education completed in BC is worth 8 SIRS points, while post-secondary education completed in Canada (outside BC) is worth 6 SIRS points.
British Columbia

BC PNP Express Entry: International Graduate

Yes Yes Graduates of institutions across Canada may apply, Post-secondary education completed in BC is worth 8 SIRS points while Post-secondary education completed in Canada (outside BC) is worth 6 SIRS points.
British Columbia

BC PNP Skills Immigration: International Post-Graduate

No No Applicants with a master’s or doctoral degree in the natural, applied or health sciences from a BC institution are eligible
British Columbia

BC PNP Express Entry: International Post-Graduate

Yes No Applicants with a master’s or doctoral degree in the natural, applied or health sciences from a BC institution are eligible

MPNP Skilled Worker in Manitoba

No Yes Must have a Manitoba qualification (language programs are excluded), except for graduates from a post-secondary program in another province who have been working for a Manitoba employer for at least one year.

International Education Stream (IES) – Career Employment Pathway

No Yes Candidates must have a full-time job offer from an eligible employer in Manitoba.

International Education Stream – Graduate Internship Pathway

No No A master or doctoral degree program in Manitoba within the past 3 years is mandatory.

International Education Stream – International Student Entrepreneur Pilot

No No For at least 6 months, applicants must operate a business as a senior manager on a daily basis in Manitoba, before nomination while on a valid work permit.
fF Yes No Must have completed at least two academic years of full-time study at a secondary or post-secondary school in New Brunswick.
New Brunswick

NB Skilled Worker Stream

No Yes Must have graduated from post-secondary institution in New Brunswick with at least six months of work experience in

the province.

Newfoundland & Labrador

NLPNP International Graduate Category

No Yes Must have a job or job offer from a Newfoundland & Labrador employer, and must apply while they still have at least 6 months’ validity on their Post-Graduation Work Permit.
Newfoundland & Labrador

NLPNP Express Entry Skilled Worker

Yes Yes Increased score if applicant has study experience in Newfoundland & Labrador.
Newfoundland & Labrador

NLPNP International Graduate Entrepreneur

No No For graduates of Memorial University or College of the North Atlantic. Must have bought or started a local business and run operations for at least one year.
Nova Scotia

NSNP Skilled Worker Stream

No yes Helps employers recruit foreign workers and graduated international students whose skills are needed in Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia

NSNP Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry

Yes No Must have at least 12 months full-time (or an equal amount in part-time) paid skilled work experience in Nova Scotia within three years before the application is made.
Nova Scotia

NSNP International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

No No Recent graduates of Nova Scotia post-secondary institutions who have already started or purchased a business in the province are eligible.

Ontario Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream

No Yes Full-time degree or diploma program at an eligible publicly-funded Canadian college or university that is at least 2 years in length, or a 1-year post-graduate certificate program that requires a previous degree is mandatory.

OINP International Masters Graduate Stream

No No Graduates of a full-time Master’s course at an eligible institution in Ontario that is 1 year at the minimum are eligible. 

OINP International Student PhD Graduate Stream

No No At least two years of PhD studies at a university in Ontario is mandatory.
Prince Edward Island

PEI PNP Labour Impact Category: International Graduate

No Yes Recent graduates with a related field of study from recognized PEI universities and colleges are eligible.

Quebec Experience Class (PEQ)

No No French-speaking individuals may apply at any time from 6 months before graduation, up to 36 months after graduation.

Quebec Skilled Worker Program

No No Completed higher education is a plus.

SINP Experience Category for Students

No Yes Graduates with a degree from a recognized post-secondary educational institution in Saskatchewan are eligible.

SINP International Graduate Entrepreneur Category

No No Must operate and manage a business in Saskatchewan for at least one year and own at least one-third of the equity in order to be considered.

17. What are the accommodation options available for international students in Canada?

Main Types of Accommodation

  1. Student Residence
  2. Off-campus shared apartment
  3. Host family/homestay
  4. Apartment rentals